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I believe that imagination is stronger than knowledge.

05 Conclusion

Filed under: Sin categoría — Raquel Sanchez Sogorb at 11:50 pm on miércoles, mayo 22, 2013

As I said in the 01 Introduction, my love for the book has made me choose these themes, and also my point of view about the non-spoken importance about women in this era.

To sum up, I can obtain that North and South is a novel with different points of view which make us understand better the whole society. That I tried to show it in the second headland- 02 The society from north and south

On the one hand, Gaskell has a clear writing, where the characters are very well characterized, and she is not afraid to face two people from so different worlds. Besides of the lover theme, Gaskell not only shows dispute between southern people and northern people, but the difference between capital holders and the workers. So, the novel shows the difference between classes, the masters like Mr. Thornton or the accommodate people from the south like Mrs. Hale, and the workers in factories and their families who have to live in precarious situations. Although, at the end, the main characters find out they are equally human beings, and they tried to work together.

But on the other hand, this literary work has taught me why we don’t have to judge people before meet them, that is shown in Margaret and Mr. Thornton’s relationship, they judge each other without knowledge of why they do, what they do.

However, apart from the entire society, I tried to focus on the women, as in 03 the role of women in the Victorian era, not only of that time but also the principal women in the book, such as Margaret and Mrs. Thornton. 04 The women in the novel

I have always read nineteenth century books, because I like a lot how they express the feelings and how the society works, but in this case, I have been surprised because Mrs. Gaskell shows the truth of the society not only the good parts but also the bad ones. Anyway, she deals truly well with a love story too, so it has several kind of topics that make the novel really interesting .

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